Education System
I was really surprised when I heard that homework is forbidden in Finland, which has the most successful education system in the world, there is an average of 4-5 hours a day, and there is no such thing as an exam.In our country, we try to bring the school starting age to an earlier age (5-6). In Finland, the age of starting compulsory school is 7.
According to some information I searched online, Finnish students are never graded in the first six years of school, and when they turn 16, they take an exam across the country. Graded grade system in our country starts from primary school. Therefore, there is competition and race among students.
Curriculum and textbooks are the main actors of education in our country. There is a very simple curriculum in Finland and it hardly changes. Teachers choose the books to be taught themselves, but there is no dependency on the books. This is another difference that surprised me.
In Finland, the average daily lesson is 4 or 5. In our country, the school hour is 8. And even because it is not enough, this number can be 11-12 hours a day with studies, weekend courses and private lessons after school.
The teaching profession in Finland is one of the most popular jobs in the community! Teachers are chosen among those with a master's degree. The number of prospective teachers waiting to be appointed in our country is very high.
The understanding of the most successful teacher giving the most homework in our country continues. But the place of learning in Finland is seen as a school, students are given almost no homework.
There is no teacher who teaches courses in the Finnish education system. There are classes that do activities together. In our country, teachers generally teach lessons. The students listen. Event hours are unfortunately limited.
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